Behind the Scenes, February 2025

During the Christmas holiday I printed some photographs for woven pieces, with the intention of working on them then, but instead focused on making some carbon prints and cyanotypes, and those inject prints have sat in my drawer.

About a week ago I finally started working on them, and as of the time of this writing, I’ve completed the weaving of two pieces, and am beginning the cutting of a third. Check out the videos and photos below for some behind the scenes looks into my process.

I think I’ve stumbled onto something that has potential in this last photo.


Last night I stumbled upon my original Departures Blog that I had hosted on Blogger that I started in 2005. It’s been both good and a little depressing going through those old posts (most of which I’ve transferred here to this Squarespace hosted blog). Those posts from 2005 and 2006 were right at the end of my BFA project on public parks and right at the inception of my lumens. There are some musings on where to take both projects as well as explorations into other projects that never really became of anything. It’s saddening that I let things die, but I’m glad I found those posts. Now I can use them to inform my current work as well as pick up now where I left off 11-12 years ago.

So, with that in mind, I thought I’d list some projects that I’m most interested in taking on:

  • Resuming the Parks Project. I’d really like to follow through on an idea I had way back when to obtain historical photographs of the older/oldest parks in certain cities and incorporate them into the overall body of work, including but not limited to rephotographs.
  • Fire pits. There’s a lot of ground to explore with this one. 
  • Lumens. I’ve not yet said what I need to say with the lumens. 
  • Construction photographs. These were excellent exercises in seeing and design.
  • The 10,000 steps idea I’ve had since my stint in grad school. I think this one occupies my thoughts most of any potential project. 
  • Weaves/collages. There’s so much potential in this project and I haven’t even scratched the surface. 
  • Through Tommy’s Eyes. Not the official title, but it’s what I’m calling it right now. I still feel I have to make this work. 

I also want to be more active on this blog, and I’ve got a few ideas to help me do that. It basically just comes down to prioritizing the right things.