Despite my lack of posts here over the last few months, there hasn’t been a lack of photographs being made. Most of the work I’ve done has been in continuation of the Through Tommy’s Eyes project. Tommy’s really been giving us a run for our money lately, so it’s been harder to sneak away to photograph. We’ve tried to get out in the hills as much as possible, and I’ve photographed our little dude playing and tossing rocks every chance I’ve got. I’ve just loved watching him grow and learn, and even if nothing grand comes out of this project, I know I’ve got some great photographs documenting his childhood.
Island Park
A few weeks ago, Gina and I packed up the car and headed up to Idaho for a weekend of camping in Island Park. I've already posted one of the pieces I made up there, and I'm finally done with editing the other photographs. Have a look:
A Day on the Buffalo River
I've been waiting to post this until I had finished the other photographs from a recent family camping trip in Island Park, but my excitement to share this one has finally taken over!
I spent one of the days there making photographs from the same spot as the lighting and weather conditions changed throughout the day. The photograph below is the result:
This is just a digital rendering of what I have envisioned in my mind. The finished physical piece is intended to be an installation piece that will measure about 7.8 feet by about 4 feet, with each "bubble" being mounted directly to a wall. This is the direction I see these pieces going.
I need to spend a lot more time with the other photographs I made on our trip before I decide which ones to publish, but keep checking back for them!
Fly Fishing on the Henry's Fork
The last couple years, me and my dad and brothers have gone fishing up on the Fall River and sometimes the Henry's Fork, and this year we turned it into a full on family vacation.
We stayed at the Coffee Pot Campground on the Henry's for two gorgeous nights, though the second was rainy the whole night.
When we arrived, the fish were rising and we rushed to line our rods and get in the water to see what the fish were feeding on. It turned out there was a small Green Drake hatch with a few caddis and PMD's, and we tied our flies on and tossed them out. I missed every strike I had, but my brother managed to hook and land a fish.
We fished for the rest of the afternoon and into the evening, and enjoyed the lovely Island Park sunset.
Sunset at Coffee Pot Campground, Island Park, Idaho 2013
I also couldn't resist photographing the full moon rise.
Moonrise, Island Park, Idaho 2013
I woke up early the next morning and made a few photographs. And I should point out that I just love being able to carry a darkroom in my pocket. My camera phone and the myriad of photography apps I have come in really handy if I don't want to carry my DSLR.
Sunrise, Coffee Pot Campground, Island Park, Idaho, 2013
Fallen Tree, Henry's Fork, Island Park, Idaho 2013
We had breakfast, and sat around at camp before we decided to go to Big Springs and look at the fish, but there were only three or four, and they weren't the behemoths that have been there in the past. We heard a couple different possible reasons for their disappearance, including the sea gulls just pushing them out, and them being illegally fished.
Fallen Trees, Big Springs, Island Park, Idaho 2013
After Big Springs we picked up a few flies at the Trout Hunter Fly Shop and then headed to the Buffalo River, where we all managed to catch a few fish each. And, I'm actually proud to say I got outfished by my little sister on her first time with a fly rod.
While we were there, a pretty good sized Green Drake hatch came off.
Green Drake With Two Legs Missing, Buffalo River, Island Park, Idaho 2013
When we were done, determined partly by grumbling stomachs and rumbling thunder not far off, we headed back to camp, where it continued to rain for a few more minutes, then cooked dinner when it finally let up.
Afterwards, we sat and sang and played our instruments and visited with a good friend of ours who is working at the scout camp this summer, before we called it a night and went to bed.
Then Tuesday, after we packed up, we stopped at Upper Mesa Falls to make a few photographs. It'd been several years since I'd been there, so it was good to rephotograph these scenic falls.
Upper Mesa Falls, Henry's Fork, Idaho 2013
Henry's Fork Below Upper Mesa Falls, Idaho 2013
Upper Mesa Falls, Henry's Fork, Idaho 2013
Henry's Fork Below Upper Mesa Falls, Idaho 2013
Upper Mesa Falls, Henry's Fork, Idaho 2013
I always hate leaving that place, and it was no easier yesterday. It's a good thing I should be going back again in a couple weeks.
Photo Dump
It's been a while since I've updated the blog. Here are a few images I've made over the last few months:
Island Park Scout Camp
Last weekend I had the opportunity to go to my Home of Island Park Scout Camp and spend three days there with my family. I got to help out at my favorite areas of camp: C.O.P.E. and Climbing.
That area of camp has a view of one of the best skylines in the world:
Thursday was pretty much just full of belaying climbers and rapellers at the climbing tower, and generally having a good time at the area I used to work at.
That evening some storm clouds rolled in, that didn't really do much, other than cool things off a little, and make for a nice sky to photograph.
On Friday, Fall River Electric delivered and set two utility poles for one of the Low C.O.P.E. elements that had to be retired until the old poles were replaced. We worked on that for a while, and then went down to lunch. When we got back, storm clouds were rolling in over Sawtell along the west rim of the caldera where Island Park sits.
We watched the clouds above us swirl in several different directions, and the clouds approach from the northwest.
We finally had to evacuate the group that was going through Low C.O.P.E., and run down to the lodge to escape the torrent. Just as we were closing in on the lodge, pea size hail began to fall, and after five minutes it turned to rain, then after 15 to 20 minutes of rain, the storm would let up for a few minutes then hail, then rain then subside.
The storm finally let up enough for me to go check my tent and make sure that I wouldn't be sleeping in a puddle that night, and to run to my car and get my real camera instead of using my phone. All in all I had about 10 minutes before a second set of clouds moved in and dropped more rain on us.
It was the biggest and most torrential storm I'd seen up there, probably ever. At least during the summer.
That evening, the remaining clouds made for a gorgeous sunset.
After everyone had left on Saturday, my family had the entire camp to ourselves, and we got to play around at the waterfront, and I got to cast my new 8 weight fly rod I'd just finished building (a post about that is forthcoming), and we cooked dinner over a campfire. Sunday came too quickly and catapulted me back into civilization, forcing me to bid farewell to my Home.
Island Park
This weekend my ward went up to Island Park, and not willing to let the opportunity to go Home again pass by, I had to go up as well. So on Thursday right after work I pointed my car north to best place on earth. After a few hours of sleep, I got up early Friday morning and went to Big Springs to make and remake a few photographs that I made about eight years ago when I was first getting in to large format. These new ones are digital.
We all stayed at Buttermilk Campground on Island Park Reservoir, and when I wasn't casting flies on Henry's Lake Outlet or there at the reservoir, I was busy with my camera making photographs.
Island Park
This summer a few of my brothers, and sisters, my mom all worked at Island Park Scout Camp again, and I was able to go spend a week and a half with them and help the staff at camp, and just plain escape civilization and live in a tent for ten days and reset my mind. It felt really good to get away from the heat of Logan, and into fresh air and return home to the Sego Lilies, Sage Brush and Lodgepole Pines, and clear, starry skies. For ten days I didn't have to worry about work, email, rush hour traffic, or anything else I have to deal with in civilization.
Although I didn't get out to fish the Madison or the Firehole or the Henry's Fork or any other river in the area, I did wet my line a couple times in Pete's Puddle in camp and managed to land a few Brook Trout. And I did get my camera out a few evenings.
One of the evenings I snuck away and went to Warm River Springs to make some photographs. The clouds in the sky were pretty amazing, but I couldn't make much of anything with them where I was right then, but I think I came away with a few pretty decent photographs that evening.
Despite quite a bit of drama in camp the last part of the week, it was a real good ten days. On Sunday my brother Lucas and his wife were able to come up, and my brother Jesse's fiance was up there, so all eleven and a half of us Duncans were able to spend some time together up there, and for that afternoon, all was right in the world.
I love how being in that place takes away all worries. But, as all good things must come to an end, camp and my vacation time ended, and life and work will go on.