Scott B. Davis

Scott B. Davis's recent work pushes landscape photography and the platinum/palladium process in very intriguing ways. He carefully and meticulously creates panoramic diptychs in camera, making pairs of paper negatives and film-based platinum/palladium prints.

Scott has a unique talent in exploiting the view camera's property of displaying the world upside down and backwards; instead of re-inverting the image shown on the ground glass, he composes the image as if it's already oriented correctly, and then further expands the composition by exactly matching horizon lines to create a new panorama. In these images, details aren't important—light and shadow are. The images aren't so much about the land or landscape as they are about space and abstraction.

Scott has a book coming out soon by Radius Books. You can purchase a copy here.

Go check out more of Scott's work on his website, and follow him on Instagram.

Diana Bloomfield

I came across Diana Bloomfield on Instagram earlier this year, and have been quite fond of her work ever since.

For Diana, photographs and memories are inseparable. She often works with gum bichromate, as the process and it’s resulting softness add to the feeling of the photograph’s relationship to memory.

During this year, Diana has been working on creating a piece of art every day, and as part of that project, she has been photographing flowers from her garden, and I love these botanical portraits. 


View more of Diana’s fabulous work on her website, and check out her Instagram feed